California Government Code §1031 says that law enforcement officers need a background investigation before getting hired. This investigation checks if a candidate meets the requirements for the job. The Background Unit handles this investigation. It's the applicant's job to give all the needed documents to the Background Unit. The investigation won't start until they have all the documents. If the background packet is incomplete, it will slow down the investigation.
The Academy experience begins with an orientation session. This will happen the week before the start of instruction. Recruits are introduced to the training staff, the facility, and department rules and regulations.
On the first day of class, recruits are expected to be in their uniforms and in a military formation. Recruit training officers will give inspections. Following the inspection, recruits are welcomed by the Chief of Police. As well as the Commanding Officer of the Training Division, Academy Director, and Academy Coordinator.
During the 34 week-long Basic Academy. Recruits will receive instruction covering the following topics: